How can we choose the best Avalanche Photodiode?

Do you know about the  Avalanche PhotoDiode with following outlines.

1. Photo Diode 2. Basics of Avalanche Photo Diode 3. Operating Principal of Avalanche Photo Diode 4. Working of Avalanche Photo Diode 5. Structure of Avalanche Photo Diode1. 6. Electric Field profile of Avalanche Photo Diode 7. Avalanche Effect 8. Impact Ionization 9. Advantages of Avalanche Photo Diode 10. Disadvantages of Avalanche Photo Diode
and so on.

Avalanche photodiode detectors (APD) have been and will continue to be employed in a wide range of applications, including laser range finders, data transfers, and photon correlation research. This research delves into APD structures, essential performance parameters, and the excess noise factor. The designer has three primary detector options for low-light detection in the 200- to the 1150-nm range: the silicon PIN detector, the silicon avalanche photodiode (APD), and the photomultiplier tube (PMT).

Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs) have been and will continue to be used in a wide range of applications in both linear and Geiger modes of operation. The Avalanche Photodiode is well suited for applications that require high sensitivity and fast response times when operating in linear mode.

Laser range finders using APD detectors, for example, produce more sensitive instruments than those with traditional PIN detectors. Furthermore, the APDs employed in this application may work at lower light levels and with shorter laser pulses, making the range finder more 'eye-safe.'

Fast receiver modules for data transfers, high-speed laser scanner (2D bar code reader),  ceilometers (cloud height measurement), speed gun, OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometry), PET Scanner, confocal microscopy, and particle detection are some more applications for linear mode APDs.

Silicon APDs in Geiger mode is used to detect single photons for photon correlation studies and have extremely short resolving times. When used in this mode, the Excelitas SLiKTM detector achieves gains of up to 108 and quantum efficiencies of - 70% at 633nm and 50% at 830nm.


More details refer to the link in the first sentence.


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